The Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner and Age UK North, South and West Dorset collaborate

The Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner has commissioned Age UK North, South and West Dorset for the ‘Older Safer Intiative’.

The project whch is due to last a year, which the DPCC is supporting with funding, will focus on three key parts: Secure Seniors, to increase digital resilience in older people; Safe Ageing, providing a support network to tackle social isolation; and Safe at Home, to enhance safety in the home.

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick said:

“I want to ensure Dorset’s residents are protected from crime and feel safe and secure as they get older. Whether that is through education and awareness of the despicable tactics of scammers and fraudsters, via small safety measures they can take in their homes or through increased contact and community support, anything we can do to help people feel safer is vitally important.

“Equipping our older generation with knowledge, support and a sense of community will be key to tackling the vulnerability often associated with getting older and is a project I fully support.

“This initiative will not only enable older people to increase their resilience and confidence generally but will help more people to stay safe online and in their own homes and living spaces.”

Terri Lewis, chief officer for Age UK Dorset, said:

“Through our well-established networks, we are poised to make a tangible difference in the lives of older adults across our county.

“Our focus extends beyond just providing support; we aim to create a vibrant community where seniors feel valued, connected, and safe.

“By addressing social isolation head-on and empowering individuals with the tools to navigate the digital world securely, we’re fostering an environment where growing older should be something to be enjoyed rather than feared.

“We are immensely grateful for the support from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, whose partnership enables us to turn this vision into reality.”

Find out more about Age UK locally here:

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