We are in our 109th year as the County Town Chamber, join us on Tuesday 8th April 07:45-09:00 at Kingston Maurward College.

Supported by Weymouth & Kingston Mauward College 


Chamber News

Scams warning as Self Assessment deadline loom

HMRC is reminding Self Assessment customers to be alert to potential scams and fraudsters ahead of the filing deadline on 31 January 2025. Concerned customers reported nearly 150,000 scam referrals to HMRC in the last year, as Self Assessment filers are warned to be alert to fraudsters.

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Members News

Dorchester Chamber for Business

We promote, support and influence the interests of our members

The Dorchester Chamber was founded in 1916 and plays an active role in the town and surrounding area helping to promote local business and encourage growth.

Our aim is to help local businesses work together to help each other and boost trade.
However we are only strong and influential with the support of local business people.