The Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership – Growing Places Fund – has been provided with £9.7m from central government as a revolving loan scheme to support housing and job creation in Dorset.
This is a repayable loan that encourages local economic growth in Dorset. It has been designed to unlock projects which have will have a significant impact on the local economy and the potential for jobs and home creation and can quickly deliver attainable economic outcomes.
Growing Places can also be used by businesses when they are unable to access alternative funding for viable schemes that will help bring economic growth and support Dorset LEP’s strategic objectives.
It is allocated on a competitive basis. Through open calls and following some early success of the Growing Places Fund schemes, Dorset LEP has already seen some loans repaid. As a result, the fund will be relaunched this month.
Businesses that are interested to learn more about the Fund or would like to speak to Dorset LEP to inquire whether their project may be eligible for this loan should contact Martina Hanulova via email at