The Executive Committee would like to invite members to attend the Dorchester Chamber for Business Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 6th November 2019 from 6:00pm to 7.30pm.
Please support the Chamber and join us at Turquoise Kitchen, 6 High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UJ for the formal proceedings, get an update on Chamber events and ensure you are there to cast your vote to elect members of the 2020 Executive Committee, approve spending and changes to the constitution.
The evening will include some delicious hot and cold Turkish taster dishes and traditional Turkish music, performed by owner Deniz Ceki, who is also a talented musician.
Former Mayor, Cllr David Taylor, will also join us to talk about some of the tunnels that have been discovered underneath Dorchester.
The historic building where the restaurant is located, is where the notorious Lord Chief Justice George Jeffreys stayed during the Bloody Assizes trials in 1685, when he sentenced hundreds of people to death following the Monmouth Rebellion. There is a rumoured story of Judge Jeffreys having used a ‘secret tunnel’ to pass between his lodgings, at 6 High West St, and the temporary courtroom used for the so-called Bloody Assizes in 1685 – the Oak Room, once part of the Antelope Inn, and now a pleasant tea-room.
Bookings are closed for this event.