Grants of £5,000 – £20,000 are available for Dorset projects that help move individuals either into employment, or establish a route towards employment.
The focus of these grants is to fund projects that support individuals who are either unemployed or economically inactive, through advice, guidance, education and training opportunities. Applicants must be from either a third sector organisation or small organisation (less than 49 employees with an annual turnover of less than 10 million Euros).
The Education and Skills Funding Agency, and European Social Fund, are co-financing the grant scheme to help projects which develop both tangible and emotional skills.
The priorities in Dorset, via the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership include:
- Those in rural areas who face barriers to accessing the labour market
- Those within isolated pockets in urban areas who face barriers to accessing the labour market
- NEET young people, especially those in rural areas
- Those in areas with low social mobility
The deadline for applications is 24 August and the project needs to be completed by July 2021.
More information is available via the ESFA Community Training Grants website.